Currently working as a Semantic Solutions Architect at TopQuadrant.
Previous roles:
- Research Engineer at the Smarter Cities Technology Centre, IBM Research, Dublin
- Research Associate at DERI, Galway, Reasoning and Querying Unit
- PhD researcher at DERI, Galway. Main research and development applications: XSPARQL, AnQL
- Software developer at Serviços de Informática, working on the Student Management System, SIIUE
[ALFM13] | Muhammad Intizar Ali, Nuno Lopes, Owen Friel, and Alessandra Mileo. Update semantics for interoperability among xml, rdf and rdb - a case study of semantic presence in cisco's unified presence systems. In Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Jianzhong Li, Wei Wang, Rui Zhang, and Wenjie Zhang, editors, APWeb, volume 7808 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 43-50. Springer, 2013. [ .pdf ] |
[Lop12] | Nuno Lopes. Integrating Heterogeneous Data by Extending Semantic Web Standards. PhD thesis, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, November 2012. [ .pdf ] |
[BDK+12] | Stefan Bischof, Stefan Decker, Thomas Krennwallner, Nuno Lopes, and Axel Polleres. Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL. Journal on Data Semantics, 1:147-185, 2012. 10.1007/s13740-012-0008-7. [ .pdf | http ] |
[LKZ+12] | Nuno Lopes, Sabrina Kirrane, Antoine Zimmermann, Axel Polleres, and Alessandra Mileo. A Logic Programming approach for Access Control over RDF. In Agostino Dovier and Vítor Santos Costa, editors, Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'12), volume 17 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 381-392, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2012. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. [ .pdf | http ] |
[ZLPS12] | Antoine Zimmermann, Nuno Lopes, Axel Polleres, and Umberto Straccia. A General Framework for Representing, Reasoning and Querying with Annotated Semantic Web Data. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 11:72 - 95, 2012. [ .pdf | http ] |
[LBDP11] | Nuno Lopes, Stefan Bischof, Stefan Decker, and Axel Polleres. On the Semantics of Heterogeneous Querying of Relational, XML and RDF Data with XSPARQL. In Paulo Moura and Vitor Beires Nogueira, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA2011) - Computational Logic with Applications Track, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2011. [ .pdf ] |
[LP11] | Nuno Lopes and Axel Polleres. Integrating RDF and XML with XSPARQL. 2011 Semantic Technology Conference, June 2011. [ http ] |
[BDK+11] | Stefan Bischof, Stefan Decker, Thomas Krennwallner, Nuno Lopes, and Axel Polleres. Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL. Technical report, DERI, April 2011. [ .pdf ] |
[LPSZ10] | Nuno Lopes, Axel Polleres, Umberto Straccia, and Antoine Zimmermann. AnQL: SPARQLing Up Annotated RDFS. In Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Yue Pan, Pascal Hitzler, Peter Mika, Lei Zhang, Jeff Z. Pan, Ian Horrocks, and Birte Glimm, editors, International Semantic Web Conference, volume 6496 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 518-533. Springer, November 2010. [ .pdf ] |
[SLLP10] | Umberto Straccia, Nuno Lopes, Gergely Lukacsy, and Axel Polleres. A General Framework for Representing and Reasoning with Annotated Semantic Web Data. In Maria Fox and David Poole, editors, AAAI. AAAI Press, July 2010. [ .pdf ] |
[LBE+10] | Nuno Lopes, Stefan Bischof, Orri Erling, Axel Polleres, Alexandre Passant, Diego Berrueta, Antonio Campos, Jérôme Euzenat, Kingsley Idehen, Stefan Decker, Stéphane Corlosquet, Jacek Kopecky, Janne Saarela, Thomas Krennwallner, Davide Palmisano, and Michal Zaremba. RDF and XML: Towards a unified query layer. In Proceedings of the W3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps, Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, USA, June 2010. [ http ] |
[LZH+10] | Nuno Lopes, Antoine Zimmermann, Aidan Hogan, Gergely Lukacsy, Axel Polleres, Umberto Straccia, and Stefan Decker. RDF Needs Annotations. In Proceedings of the W3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps, Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, USA, June 2010. [ http ] |
[LLP+10] | Nuno Lopes, Gergely Lukácsy, Axel Polleres, Umberto Straccia, and Antoine Zimmermann. A General Framework for Representing, Reasoning and Querying with Annotated Semantic Web Data. Technical report, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, 2010. [ .pdf ] |
[FLMA09] | Cláudio Fernandes, Nuno Lopes, Manuel Monteiro, and Salvador Abreu. The Contact-Center Business Analyzer: a case for Persistent Contextual Logic Programming. In Salvador Abreu and Dietmar Seipel, editors, International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, Évora, Portugal, November 2009. [ .pdf ] |
[PKL+09] | Axel Polleres, Thomas Krennwallner, Nuno Lopes, Jacek Kopecký, and Stefan Decker. XSPARQL Language Specification, January 2009. W3C member submission. [ http ] |
[KLP09] | Thomas Krennwallner, Nuno Lopes, and Axel Polleres. XSPARQL: Semantics, January 2009. W3C member submission. [ http ] |
[LKP+09] | Nuno Lopes, Thomas Krennwallner, Axel Polleres, Waseem Akhtar, and Stéphane Corlosquet. XSPARQL: Implementation and Test-cases, January 2009. W3C member submission. [ http ] |
[LFA08b] | Nuno Lopes, Cláudio Fernandes, and Salvador Abreu. Representing and Querying Multiple Ontologies with Contextual Logic Programming. ComSIS - Computer Science and Information Systems, 05(2):39-62, December 2008. revised and extended version of the CoRTA 2008 paper. [ .pdf ] |
[KLOP08] | Philipp Kärger, Nuno Lopes, Daniel Olmedilla, and Axel Polleres. Towards logic programs with ordered and unordered disjunction. In Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2008), 24th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2008), Udine, Italy, December 2008. [ .pdf ] |
[LFA08a] | Nuno Lopes, Cláudio Fernandes, and Salvador Abreu. Representing and Querying Multiple Ontologies with Contextual Logic Programming. In Maria João Varanda Pereira, Pedro Henriques, and Simão Melo de Sousa, editors, CoRTA'2008 - Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications. Univ. Minho, July 2008. [ .pdf ] |
[LA08] | Nuno Lopes and Salvador Abreu. A SPARQL Query Engine over Web Ontologies using Contextual Logic Programming. In José Carlos Ramalho, João Correia Lopes, and Salvador Abreu, editors, XATA2008 - XML: Applications and Associated Technologies. Univ. Minho, February 2008. [ .pdf ] |
[Lop07] | Nuno Lopes. A SPARQL Query Engine over Web Ontologies using Contextual Logic Programming. Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, December 2007. [ .pdf ] |
[LFA07] | Nuno Lopes, Cláudio Fernandes, and Salvador Abreu. Contextual Logic Programming for Ontology Representation and Querying. In Axel Polleres, David Pearce, Stijn Heymans, and Edna Ruckhaus, editors, ALPSWS, volume 287 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, September 2007. [ .pdf ] |
[FLA07] | Cláudio Fernandes, Nuno Lopes, and Salvador Abreu. On Querying Ontologies with Contextual Logic Programming. In Christine Golbreich, Aditya Kalyanpur, and Bijan Parsia, editors, OWLED, volume 258 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, June 2007. [ .pdf ] |
This file was generated by bibtex2html 1.97.
[ 2013/02/22 ]
[ 2012/10/11 ]
[ 2012/09/07 ]
[ 2011/10/11 ]
EPIA: "On the Semantics of Heterogeneous Querying of Relational, XML and RDF Data with XSPARQL" [ .pdf ]
[ 2011/10/09 ]
[ 2011/06/08 ]
[ 2010/12/17 ]
[ 2010/11/09 ]
ISWC Doctoral Consortium: "Extensions of SPARQL towards Heterogeneous Sources and Domain Annotations" [ .pdf ]
[ 2010/11/09 ]
[ 2010/05/28 ]
[ 2010/05/05 ]
[ 2009/08/26 ]
[ 2008/02/15 ]
[ 2008/02/04 ]
[ 2007/12/19 ]
MsC presentation: "A SPARQL Query Engine over Web Ontologies using Contextual Logic Programming" [ .pdf ]
[ 2007/09/13 ]